Shipping container dimensions and construction details

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In the cargo shipping industry, they're often referred to by a multitude of different names. That's largely down to their sturdiness and reliability, as well as the fact it's much cheaper to ship cargo this way than to send it via air travel. In this context, shipping containers give away their primary function in their name- they ship things! They're the favorite choice for businesses that need to transport cargo internationally for trade. You're probably familiar with shipping containers given that they're highly visible- they make up a large majority of all overseas trade, and are traditionally stacked in shipping ports. They are probably the sturdiest non-built storage option out there. Shipping containers are essentially steel boxes that are made initially to be incredibly secure- i.e., let in no water, wind, residue, damp, etc. Shipping containers come in all kinds of shapes and sizes, meaning there's a perfect shipping container match for you out there somewhere. They're used for freight to cross the seas day in and day out, but many people don't realize that you can actually buy them (very easily) from the internet for your own personal use. Shipping containers, whilst appearing to just be a hunk of steel on the outside, are actually one of the world's most versatile storage solutions.

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